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Some of the Primary Causes of Hair Loss


Hair loss is quite common. It is no exclusive to any culture or race; in fact, it is a universal occurrence. Mild hair loss is not as obnoxious as it seems, but excessive hair loss may need appropriate medical attention. The following are some of the primary causes of such a condition. You can also click here to learn more.




One of the real causes of hair loss is heredity. Androgenetic alopecia is one of most common types of hair loss; this condition refers to the predisposition of baldness. It would do well to not, however, that heredity in hair loss can be quite complex. The genetic propensity, with the prevalence of androgen hormone and ageing, are very significant factors in developing baldness.


Hormonal Dysfunction


Several dysfunctions concerning hormones may play a significant role in premature hair loss. This particular type of hair loss problem can be solved with good thyroid treatment. The significant imbalance between sex hormones, estrogens and androgens, is thought to be one of the main causes of hair loss. Many women experience premature hair loss during, before, and after pregnancy mainly because of hormonal imbalance.




There are certain types of medicines which promote hair loss. In most cases, however, this is not permanent. There are instances when taking in particular types of medications promoting hair loss, the problem may persist. 




There are various types of fungal infection which can be one of the main causes of hair loss. Especially in children, fungal infection can typically cause hair loss. However, these type of fungal problems may be easily treated using antifungal medications.


Inappropriate Hair Care


Lastly, improper care of the hair can be one of the major causes of hair loss. There are different types of behaviours which can typically cause your hair to be damaged, ultimately leading to significant hair loss. Another example would be tying your wet hair or putting it with tight hair rollers, a type of hair loss named traction alopecia may be experienced. You can, however, stop such behaviour and allow your hair to grow back naturally. In the event you develop a scar, however, there is a high possibility that that certain patch in the scalp will never grow hair. To make sure that you don't lose hair, you must learn how to maintain it. 


These are some of the major causes of hair loss. There are other causes as well, all of which can contribute to premature hair loss or any other conditions relating to hair loss. It is important to notice your hair loss early so that it may be properly treated.


Curious as to what can cause hair loss? Go to for more information.

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